Really great points here. You've definitely got this down. I keep things suuuper simple on my end. Delta is my preferred airline so I used the Delta AMEX platinum card. I put all of my purchases on the card and pay the balance before it's due. Simple and effective for me and the amount of time I put into it.

But you've got me thinking about creating accounts for my kids so I can get their miles synced to my account. Great idea.

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Amex seems like a great card for Atlanta-based travel, with the Delta & lounge perks. Looks like some of the fringe benefits on the platnium are solid as well ($200 for airline incidentals, $200 for Uber, $200 for hotels, $240 for streaming) seems like it would be worth it.

Level 2 travel hacking might look like having an Amex for flights, Chase Sapphire for hotels & resorts. But then you're juggling two cards with two different point networks and nearly $1,500/year in fees. Sounds profitable but way more complicated. Don't tempt me. 🙃

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Yes, it makes sense for ATL fliers. Plus I mainly go to SLC which is a Delta hub. So it works for me. Based on the points, I should save $2-$3k on flights with my family. It’s worth it for that.

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